116 Jap-A-Lac 58 Sheldon School, The 115 Sedgwick, Chas. ,, 130 Rogers Hall School for Girls MacLagan, P. (Continued on ) Index to Advertisements ARCHITECTS PAGE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTIONCont'd page EDUCATIONAL Continued Fitzpatrick, F. ing, "and it's going to be better still." Let us all look up and match our advertising Advertisers are thermometers and barometfriends with equal confidence.

"Business looks fine," they say doing is to "look up and not down." Business to us when we talk with them about advertislooks up. From everywhere we hear business men talkTo-day what the American advertisers are ing optimism. But when times look good, these advertisers all act alike,-they Just now there is abundant reason for applyall want to advertise to catch the trade that the ing this to the business of our country. And lend a hand." matter of their own courage. Lookout more and others less the difference is only a and not in. ness looks gloomy some of them advertise the It was: " Look up and not down. True, bad i '\ which grows younger as the times affect them differently for when busiworld grows older. ^-^ a sermon when he was young, earth as to business conditions.They, who invest their money in pastor of Boston, of the United the intangible asset of human nature through ¥ 1 States, of the World, preached advertising, are the most sensitive men on Look Up and Not Down" I EAR old Edward Everett Hale, ers both. C, England Entered at the New York Post-office as Second Class Matter Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post-office Department, Ottawa, Canada Copyright, 1911, by The Ridgway Company in the United States and Great Britain Published by THE RIDGWAY COMPANY, Spring & Macdougal Sts., New York City 5, Henrietta St., Covent Garden, London, W. Single copy, fifteen cents Foreign postage, J1.00 additional. 42 9 With "Everybody's" Publishers 413 The contents of this Magazine are copyrighted and must not be reprinted without permission Issued monthly. Edson Straight Talk 423 A ROW Of Books J- B. 408 With photographs Little Stories of Real Life: 418 The Children's Specialist /. 400 Drawings by Warrant Pryor Photographs by \V. and photographs In Collaboration with Harvey J. Frederick Townsend Martin 362 The Fair.348 Illustrations by Howard Chandler Christy and Andre Castaigne The Passing of the Idle Rich. 327 Illustrations by Horace Taylor Pack Your Trunk and Go!. 3"4 Illustrations by Howard Giles Steel Rails and Iron Hands. ''1 With photographs especially collected for this article by the author. xxiv Q)Verj>£od.y's n°-3 CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1911 Illustration to accompany "Tracking the Man-Killer". WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE RAILROADS, ANYHOW? See vol.